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The Wisdom of Overwhelm


Are you feeling overwhelmed? I've had my moments lately.

If overwhelm is becoming a constant companion, or too frequent a visitor, I've got some help for you. Feeling overwhelmed relates to feeling powerless. I'm here to help you feel more powerful in the best of ways. That's my jam :)

You have the power within you to address and work with, and through, any feelings of overwhelm. If you're chronically in that state, you may doubt me. 

I want you to consider the kind of overwhelm you're experiencing. Being able to look at overwhelm head on, and see what it's about, will help you work through the issue(s) more quickly. Here are 4 kinds of overwhelm and how to address them so that they don't hinder your daily pleasure or ability to relax.

  1. I have no time/too busy/too much to do. What it’s about - inability to accept your limitations or to manage your time. How to work with it - accept that there are only 24 hours in the day. Acknowledge that you have less energy than you need for all you are doing. Make hard choices about how to let some things go, re-prioritize, and create new boundaries with your time and schedule.

    Limiting belief that you need to change - I am not in control of my time and life.

  2. Anxiety about life. What it’s about - underlying emotions that need to be dealt with more directly. How to work with it - take time to journal, get counseling or coaching, and begin a meditation/relaxation practice. Some of us are more prone to anxiety than others. Whether it has a biological component to it or not, the ways to work with it still remain valid. Check with your doctor about medication if needed and then supplement with all the other activities. Don’t expect to overcome it with just the meds.

    Limiting belief that you need to change - I can’t handle what life is delivering to me.

  3. Tired all the time. What it’s about - something is systemically wrong in your life. How to work with it - time for some soul searching. This kind of overwhelm calls on us to get honest with ourselves about life and what we want. Take time to journal, find a trusted other to talk things out with honestly, and begin the process of reordering your life till you feel more energized. Even when it’s physical fatigue, you must address the underlying issues.

    Limiting belief that you need to change - life isn’t what I thought it was going to be and I don’t know what to do.

  4. Don’t know how to proceed. What it’s about - lacking the kind of support you need. How to work with it - develop good support in all areas of life, learn how to be honest with others, and get comfortable with taking some risks. Moving ahead in life is always a risk, when we change and grow we’re always experimenting with what to do next and we’re bound to have mishaps along the way. We need to grow our muscles to accept this and keep on going forward toward our dreams.

    Limiting belief that you need to change - I’m not capable of what my life requires of me and I don’t have the help I need. 

Each one of these overwhelm issues offers an opportunity to look within and do some personal growth work. It’s important to make a real shift in the limiting belief that supports the thinking and behaviors related to remaining in overwhelm. If it seems too daunting to dig into this work alone, find a coach or counselor that can support you.

Book a discovery call with me and find out how we work together to eliminate overwhelm in your life.



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How to Speak with Confidence

Through these three video lessons, we’ll begin your transformation together. I’ll be inviting you to consider new ways to think about the importance of using your voice, take some time to reflect, and master an exercise which will shift your energy and allow you to relax into your confident and authentic voice.